We create documentary films that connect the past with the present.

Retro Report is an independent nonprofit newsroom creating trusted documentary videos and classroom resources.

Loneliness is on the rise, and it may be as harmful to health as cigarette smoking, medical experts say. Now some Americans are embracing a collaborative living arrangement called cohousing as a solution.

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What Educators Are Saying

“Seeing the depth of research that goes into each of the videos was phenomenal, and really lends itself to the credibility of the source.”

Jessica Torres
Education Service Center Region 12
Waco, Texas

“I feel my push for using the past to understand the present is the best approach for any history teacher to integrate Retro Report.”

Chuck Taft
Middle School History

“The videos really do a good job of providing different perspectives and an unbiased look at issues and how they progressed to the present day.”

Kevin Erspamer
History and Economics
San Francisco

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